How do I Create an Azure Storage Account?

How do I create an Azure Storage Account​?

This is step-by-step instruction to create an Azure Storage Account using the legacy Azure Portal:

  1. ​Visit
  2. Go to Storage.​
  3. Click New.
  4. Select Storage > Quick Create.
  5. ​​Choose a URL for the storage.
  6. ​​Select the location of the storage.
  7. In the Replication field, select Geo-Redundant.
  8. Click Create Storage Account.
  9. Now the storage account appears in the storage list.

​​​This is step-by-step instruction to create an Azure Storage Account using the new Azure Portal:

  1. ​Visit ​​​
  2. Click New.​
  3. Select Storage > Storage account.
  4. Enter a name for your storage account.​
  5. Choose Resource manager​ for the Deployment model.
  6. Choose Blob storage for the Account kind.​​
    Note: If you are using the v2 endpoint for a document migration, you need to select STORAGEV2 (general purpose v2).
  7. In the Replication field, select Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS).
  8. Select the subscription in which you want to create the new storage account.
  9. Specifiy a new resource group or select an existing resource group.
  10. Select the geographic location for your storage account.
  11. Click Create to create the storage account.
  12. Now the storage account appears in the storage list.​


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